Friday, July 1, 2016

Snack: Cheese Rolled Paneer Fingers

"Delicious and mouth-watering easy snack: Cheese Rolled Paneer Fingers"

  1. Paneer: 200 gms
  2. Cheese Slices: As required [approx 8 slices]
  3. Bread Crumbs: As req to roll
  4. Oil: to deep fry
For batter:
  1. All purpose flour/ Maida: 1/2 cup
  2. Corn starch: 1/2 cup
  3. Tomato sauce, soya sauce, redchilly/green chilly sauce: each 1.5 tspn
  4. Chilly Flakes: 1 tspn
  5. Mixed Herbs: 1 tspn [that contains oregano, black and white pepper powder, jalapeno]
  6. Ginger Garlic paste: 1 tspn
  7. Salt: as required
  8. Water: to mix the batter
  1. Cut paneer into your forefinger sized fingers.
  2. Cut the cheese slices into 1/2 inch [in breadth] stripes and roll on the paneer fingers as shown in the below pic.

3. Prepare the batter by mixing the ingredients mentioned in "for batter" and keep the batter aside for 5 mins. Spread the bread crumbs in a plate.
4. Dip the cheese rolled paneer fingers in the batter and dust it in the bread crumbs and deep fry it in oil until they turn golden brown colour.

"Enjoy the quick, easy yet tasty snack along with your loved ones"


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