Monday, November 28, 2016

Mysore Pak (Perfect taste and texture)

There is a strong thought that Mysore pak is the hardest cake especially when made in home and in some catering. To break it, after many research, I found a way to make it in such a way that it melts in our mouth! Just give out a try to enjoy this heavenly Mysore pak!


Besan flour/ Gram flour/ kadalai maavu: 1 cup
Sugar: 2-2.5 cups
Water: 1/2 - 3/4 cup 
Ghee: 1 cup
Aavin butter: 1/2 cup
Refined oil: 1/2 cup


First, take a kadai, pour the oil, ghee and butter, then place on stove in a low-med flame. Once butter melts, you will get froth with some spluttering sound, once the sound reduces, turn off.

Sieve the besan flour, grease a plate with oil-ghee-butter (trio) mixture and keep ready.

Heat a non stick pan, add sugar and water, mix the sugar syrup well and wait until you get 1 string consistency.

Once attained 1 string, simmer the stove, (by this time switch on the trio mixture stove and  simmer it, you have to add this to the besan mixture kadai).

Now add the add the sieved besan to the sugar syrup in batches, stir well  so that no lumps are formed.

Now, add 1 ladle of trio oil mixture to the besan mixture, it will froth and will be absoebed while mixing. Likewise, add 2-3ladles of trio oil mixture and repeat the same process.

It will thicken and again will absorb while mixing. Remember everything should be done in simmer stove.

Add the remaining oil mixture, mix well, it will become POROUS. By consistent mixing, you will get dough like fluffy froth porous mixture. When you take and pour back it in the kadai using ladle, it should be in a idly batter consistency.

Once attained this stage, pour it in the greased plate, in 3-5 mins, put pieces, transfer it to air tight container.

Mysore Pak is ready!

Just use the measurements as such mentioned, to attain the perfect melting mysore pak!



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