Saturday, December 3, 2016

Chat Chutneys [mint/green chutney and sweet chutney]


Green Chutney:

Mint leaves: a bunch
Coriander leaves: a bunch
Ginger: 1/2 inch
Garlic: 3-5 pods
Green chillies: 2 nos
Lemon juice: 2 tspn
Roasted jeera/cumin powder: 1 tspn
Black/rock salt: 1/2 tspn
Water: to grind

  • In a mixie jar, add all the above ingredients and grind well to a chutney consistency. Filter it  and keep it aside. Green Chutney is ready.

 Sweet Chutney:

Tamarind: a medium gooseberry size
Dates: 5-6 deseeded
Jaggery: partly crushed- 3 tspn or as shown in pic
Roasted cumin/jeera powder: 1/2 tspn
Rock salt: 2 pinches
Water: to boil

In a pan, add all the ingredients and boil, mash the contents. Turn off the flame, once cooled, grind it in mixie, strain it well using filter and keep it aside. Sweet chutney is ready!!


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