Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Herbal Recipe: Sukku Paal / DRY GINGER MILK


The most effective drink for gastritis / moochu pidippu / vaaivu pidippu / dhasai pidippu.Sukku paal stimulates us and makes us feel active. It lazes our laziness! Much much effective, especially elders when consuming it, would definitely feel healthy and get rid off of all the spasm kinda pains very easily without any side effects. As sugar isn't used, "sugar patients" can also consume it. I've added an alternative for sugar, called "karupatti"!


1. Sukku / dried ginger: 1 inch size

2. Karupatti / panamkarkandu : as required

3. Boiled and diluted milk : 1/2 to 3/4th tumbler


Step 1: Making sukku decoction

Using a mortar pestle, powder both- sukku and karupatti / panam karkandu. Heat 1 tumbler water, when it boils, add sukku and karuppati /panam karkandu powder to it. Let it boil well and reduce to its half. Filter it and keep the decoction ready.
sukku /dried ging

Karuppatti and sukku gets boiled to form a decoction
Filtering sukku decoction

Sukku decoction is ready!

Step 2

Take the boiled and diluted milk in a tumbler, add this decoction as per your taste. 

Enjoy the healthy drink. Especially during winter!!


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