Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Iyengar Puliyodharai


Cooked Rice- 300gms / as required
Iyengar Pulikaichal - as required [click the link to know the recipe for iyengar pulikaichal]
Powdered hing /thool perungayam: a generous pinch
Salt: as required for rice[remember salt is for pulikaichal only, add little for rice.]
Fresh curry leaves- a few
Turmeric powder: a pinch

To Temper
Oil, mustard seeds and urad dhaal, peanuts.

"As far iyengar puliyodharai is concerned, each time when you mix the paste with rice, you have to temper freshly"


Take a big bowl / basin, add the cooked white rice, powdered hing, salt, fresh curry leaves, turmeric powder and Iyengar Pulikaichal . Mix well and serve!

Iyengar Puliyodharai is ready!!


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