Friday, November 25, 2016

Aaloo Methi Adai

An of-course wow and energetic dish and for your hungry tummy!!!


Adai Batter: As required
For adai batter recipe, click here: "Adai Batter"
Potatoes: 3, well boiled.
Kasuri Methi- A hand full, soaked in warm water.
Onion: finely chopped
Salt: exactly few pinches alone [because already we've added salt to the adai batter]


First, take the well boiled potatoes, mash them lightly. 

Add the mashed potatoes to the mixie jar, add little water and grind smoothly as a paste.

Add the potato paste to the adai batter. Take out the soaked kasuri methi leaves, squeeze out the water and add it to the adai batter. Add few pinches of salt as mentioned above and mix well everything. Check and adjust batter consistency.

Heat the dosa tawa, spread oil, pour the batter and spread it evenly. Add oil to the corners, toast and cook both the sides. Serve hot!



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