Thursday, November 3, 2016

Rasmalai - Easiest way

Yummy and tasty Rasmalai!


1. Paneer- 200 (ready-made paneer) check date for assuring freshness. [I used aavin paneer]
2. Sugar- 200 gms for sugar syrup and 250 gms for milk sauce
3. Maida and corn starch- 2 tspn each
4. Milkmaid- 200 ml
5. Boiled milk- 2 tumbler
6. Saffron- 5 strands, soaked in 5 tspn of milk
7. Crushed nuts(pistachios, almonds and cashews)- 5 tspn 


Cut paneer into cubes and grind them in a mixie.

Transfer the ground paneer to a plate add 2 tspn of cornstarch and maida. Knead them well to form a dough.

Take small portions, roll them into balls and gently press in your palm to make it flatten.


Make sugar syrup with 200 gms of water, once it boils, place the flattened malai carefully. Simmer it completely and close with a lid. Let the malai gets cooked for 6 mins. You can see it getting doubled in size.

Turn off the flame and rest it aside.

In a sauce pan, add 2 tumbler of boiled milk- and 200 ml of milkmaid. Mix well. Add 3 tspn of crushed nuts, soaked saffron milk aand let it boil for 5 mins. 

Take a serving bowl, take out malais from sugar syrup, gently squeeze out excess syrup by pressing it using 2 spoons on either sides of malai pedas. Then place it in the serving bowl, pour the milk sauce on it, garnish with the rest of crushed nuts.


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