Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Herbal Recipe: Mullu Murungai Dosai

"A very tasty and healthy recipe! Yes, mullu murngai keerai has great great health benefits; it cures cold, cough and fever. Best for uterus related issues. Natural treatment!"

There is a tamil saying called "UNAVE MARUNTHU", which our ancestors followed and lived very strong and healthy. This is one such rare recipe, but still worthy one!! Here is its method!

Recipe Courtesy: Seetha Amma

Take the fresh mullu murungai leaves, remove the center stem from each leaves carefully.
[Removing stem: just fold the leaf to the either sides of the stem, carefully pluck the center stem tip and tear it towards the end; the leaf separates into two]. 
Add the leaves to a mixie jar, add some water and extract its juice.

Filter the extract and keep it ready. In a mortar-pestle, dry grind a tspn of cumin and pepper.

Take required dosa batter, add the mullu murungai extract, a pinch of salt [for mullu murungai paste, remember that the batter is already salted], hing and pepper-cumin powder to it.
Mix well.

Heat a tawa, pour this mullu murungai dosa batter and spread to form a dosa.  Close with the lid for few mins. Flip and cook both sides by adding oil to its corner. Eat while its hot to attain the benefits of the herb.

"Mullu Murungai Dosai is ready, serve hot"


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