Thursday, July 14, 2016

Side Dish: Pavakkai fry / Bitter gourd fry

Bitter gourd- Yes.. It is bitter, but very very healthy and TASTY too..

  1. Pavakkai/ Bitter Gourd: 500 gms [or quantity as required for your family; adjust the proportions of rest of the items accordingly]
  2. Turmeric powder: 1/2 tspn
  3. Red Chilly powder: 1/2 tspn
  4. Dhaniya podi/ coriander powder: 1.5 tspn
  5. Sambar powder: 1 tspn
  6. Hing/ perungayam/ asafoetida: 1 tspn
  7. Salt: as req
  8. Oil: to fry and a little during marination
  9. Water: as req

  1. Wash and Cut the bitter gourd/ pavakkai into round shape. Dont slice it too thin, let it be little thick so that it'll be fleshy- otherwise it will become like chips! Take them into a bowl.
  2. Add 1/2 tspn of salt and mix well; keep it aside for 10- 15 mins.
  3. Then add 1/4 tumbler of water to the salt marinated pavakkai and wash them thoroughly using ur hands, drain the water completely.::::: this will extract the bitterness; not completely but as maximum it can. But we need some bitterness to enjoy its natural taste which is not that intolerable. Try out and enjoy!!
  4. Now add turmeric powder, red chilly, dhaniya, sambar powders, hing, salt.
  5. As you have already washed with water [after salt marination], it will be moisture only [if not, sprinkle very little water]. Add 3-4 tspn of oil and mix all together and marinade it for 15-20 mins. Then fry it in oil. 
  6. Make sure you dont burn it or deeeeeep fry it. It should be crispy and at the same time must be fleshy.
  7. Pavakkai is getting marinated! :P
    Frying part.
  8. Yeah!! Pavakkai Fry is all yours! Taste it and enjoy it!!


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