Friday, April 29, 2016

Raw veggies mayonnaise Sandwich

It's very simple and healthy! Try it folks!

Ingredients Needed

  1. A Loaf of bread.
  2. Ghee/ butter- to toast the bread
  3. Onion - 1 finely chopped
  4. Bangalore Tomato - 1 finely chopped
  5. Cucumber - 1 peeled and finely chopped
  6. Capsicum - 1 unseeded and finely chopped
  7. Eggless mayonnaise- 3 tbspn [available in super markets]
  8. Carrot-cucumber sandwich spread - 3 tbspn [available in super markets]
  9. Rocksalt- a pinch
  10. White pepper powder- a pinch
  11. Chilly flakes- very few, just for traces
  12. Tomato sauce/ ketchup- 2 tspn for mixture and some for decorations as shown in picture.

For Toasting:
  1. Heat a tawa/ cradle/ pan.
  2. Spread some ghee/butter and place the bread pieces.
  3. Apply ghee/butter on the to side of the bread using a spoon or cooking brush.
  4. Dont over toast. Just give a warmth to it for this variety. You may not see any brown shades in the above pic, as I've just given a warmth to the bread.
For Stuffing:
  1. In a bowl, Add all the chopped veggies mentioned above {raw veggies only}.
  2. Add a pinch of rocksalt, white pepper powder, chilly flakes, 2 tspn of tomato sauce/ketchup.
  3. Add 3 tbspn of eggless mayonnaise and carrot-cucumber sandwich spread.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Stuff them between two toasted breads.
  6. Decorate with tomato sauce/ketchup as you wish.
  7. Raw veggies variety of sandwich is all ready! This is a soothing and healthy breakfast, especially in summer. This keeps you cool as it as cooling substances- tomato, cucumber, capsicum!


  • Dont over heat the cradle/ tawa/ pan.
  • Make sure you just warmth the bread!
  • You may cut the corners of the bread if you wish. I dint here!
  • You can use any variety bread of your choice! Make sure it's fresh.
  • While buying the EGGLESS mayonnaise and sandwich spread, check the date of packing and expiry.
  • Rocksalt, chilly flakes, white pepper powder-  available in all super markets.
  • I used "Fun-foods" brand of sandwich spread from Spencers retail! It's really nice.


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